

    using UnityEngine;
    using System;
    using XLua;

    namespace XLuaTest
        public struct Pedding
            public byte c;

        public struct MyStruct
            public MyStruct(int p1, int p2)
                a = p1;
                b = p2;
                c = p2;
                e.c = (byte)p1;
            public int a;
            public int b;
            public decimal c;
            public Pedding e;

        public enum MyEnum

        public delegate int IntParam(int p);

        public delegate Vector3 Vector3Param(Vector3 p);

        public delegate MyStruct CustomValueTypeParam(MyStruct p);

        public delegate MyEnum EnumParam(MyEnum p);

        public delegate decimal DecimalParam(decimal p);

        public delegate void ArrayAccess(Array arr);

        public interface IExchanger
            void exchange(Array arr);

        public class NoGc : MonoBehaviour
            LuaEnv luaenv = new LuaEnv();

            IntParam f1;
            Vector3Param f2;
            CustomValueTypeParam f3;
            EnumParam f4;
            DecimalParam f5;
            ArrayAccess farr;

            Action flua;

            IExchanger ie;

            LuaFunction add;

            public double[] a1 = new double[] { 1, 2 };
            public Vector3[] a2 = new Vector3[] { new Vector3(1, 2, 3), new Vector3(4, 5, 6) };
            public MyStruct[] a3 = new MyStruct[] { new MyStruct(1, 2), new MyStruct(3, 4) };
            public MyEnum[] a4 = new MyEnum[] { MyEnum.E1, MyEnum.E2 };
            public decimal[] a5 = new decimal[] { 1.00001M, 2.00002M };

            public float FloatParamMethod(float p)
                return p;

            public Vector3 Vector3ParamMethod(Vector3 p)
                return p;

            public MyStruct StructParamMethod(MyStruct p)
                return p;

            public MyEnum EnumParamMethod(MyEnum p)
                return p;

            public decimal DecimalParamMethod(decimal p)
                return p;

            // Use this for initialization
            void Start()
                    function id(...)
                        return ...

                    function add(a, b) return a + b end

                    function array_exchange(arr)
                        arr[0], arr[1] = arr[1], arr[0]

                    local v3 = CS.UnityEngine.Vector3(7, 8, 9)
                    local vt = CS.XLuaTest.MyStruct(5, 6)

                    function lua_access_csharp()
                        monoBehaviour:FloatParamMethod(123) --primitive
                        monoBehaviour:Vector3ParamMethod(v3) --vector3
                        local rnd = math.random(1, 100)
                        local r = monoBehaviour:Vector3ParamMethod({x = 1, y = 2, z = rnd}) --vector3
                        assert(r.x == 1 and r.y == 2 and r.z == rnd)
                        monoBehaviour:StructParamMethod(vt) --custom struct
                        r = monoBehaviour:StructParamMethod({a = 1, b = rnd, e = {c = rnd}})
                        assert(r.b == rnd and r.e.c == rnd)
                        monoBehaviour:EnumParamMethod(CS.XLuaTest.MyEnum.E2) --enum
                        monoBehaviour.a1[0], monoBehaviour.a1[1] = monoBehaviour.a1[1], monoBehaviour.a1[0] -- field

                    exchanger = {
                        exchange = function(self, arr)

                    A = { B = { C = 789}}
                    GDATA = 1234;

                luaenv.Global.Set("monoBehaviour", this);

                luaenv.Global.Get("id", out f1);
                luaenv.Global.Get("id", out f2);
                luaenv.Global.Get("id", out f3);
                luaenv.Global.Get("id", out f4);
                luaenv.Global.Get("id", out f5);
                luaenv.Global.Get("array_exchange", out farr);
                luaenv.Global.Get("lua_access_csharp", out flua);
                luaenv.Global.Get("exchanger", out ie);
                luaenv.Global.Get("add", out add);

                luaenv.Global.Set("g_int", 123);
                luaenv.Global.Set(123, 456);
                int i;
                luaenv.Global.Get("g_int", out i);
                Debug.Log("g_int:" + i);
                luaenv.Global.Get(123, out i);
                Debug.Log("123:" + i);

            // Update is called once per frame
            void Update()
                // c# call lua function with value type but no gc (using delegate)
                f1(1); // primitive type
                Vector3 v3 = new Vector3(1, 2, 3); // vector3
                MyStruct mystruct = new MyStruct(5, 6); // custom complex value type
                f4(MyEnum.E1); //enum 
                decimal d = -32132143143100109.00010001010M;
                decimal dr = f5(d);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(d == dr);

                // using LuaFunction.Func<T1, T2, TResult>
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(add.Func<int, int, int>(34, 56) == (34 + 56)); // LuaFunction.Func<T1, T2, TResult>

                // lua access c# value type array no gc
                farr(a1); //primitive value type array
                farr(a2); //vector3 array
                farr(a3); //custom struct array
                farr(a4); //enum arry
                farr(a5); //decimal arry

                // lua call c# no gc with value type

                //c# call lua using interface

                //no gc LuaTable use
                luaenv.Global.Set("g_int", 456);
                int i;
                luaenv.Global.Get("g_int", out i);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(i == 456);

                luaenv.Global.Set(123.0001, mystruct);
                MyStruct mystruct2;
                luaenv.Global.Get(123.0001, out mystruct2);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(mystruct2.b == mystruct.b);

                decimal dr2 = 0.0000001M;
                luaenv.Global.Set((byte)12, d);
                luaenv.Global.Get((byte)12, out dr2);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(d == dr2);

                int gdata = luaenv.Global.Get<int>("GDATA");
                luaenv.Global.SetInPath("GDATA", gdata + 1);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(luaenv.Global.Get<int>("GDATA") == gdata + 1);

                int abc = luaenv.Global.GetInPath<int>("A.B.C");
                luaenv.Global.SetInPath("A.B.C", abc + 1);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(luaenv.Global.GetInPath<int>("A.B.C") == abc + 1);


            void OnDestroy()
                f1 =  null;
                f2 = null;
                f3 = null;
                f4 = null;
                f5 = null;
                farr = null;
                flua = null;
                ie = null;
                add = null;


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